So what is this multi-year event that I'm going to do to test myself?
As you might imagine from the pictures and the nautical allusions on many of the pages, it has something to do with sailing and the sea.
For a long time I had been talking to my wife about wanting to buy a sailboat and live aboard it, sailing about the world, visiting places. Unfortunately, she's not been too keen on the idea. She keeps giving reasons like the fact that she's enjoying her part-time job, not wanting to leave friends, and the thought of being confined upon a 40-50 foot boat for a month or more at a time.
I kept reading about people who have sailed and came across an interesting event called the Clipper Round The World Race. It's a sailing race on 70 foot boats that circles the world. The complete circumnavigation takes approximately 11 months to do. There's about a month's worth of training and the skipper is a professional race skipper, though almost the entire crew are amateurs. Some have never sailed before.
The race is run every 2 years or so and it's too late for me to make this year, so I've set my sights on the race 2 years from now. I plan on chronicling the journey from here to there and then from there to the finish line. Even if I don't make it, the real winning is at least trying. That's the first test.
And there's the starting gun... we're off and running.
Oh, and the countdown? I'm not sure of the exact date, so I set the counter to 900. Don't be surprised if it changes suddenly as I get more information as to when "the date" actuall is.
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