It's been another long while since I last posted. What have I been up to?
Well, haven't actually been out sailing a lot as I've been busy with "other things" such as my winter time activity of officiating at various curling events, culminating in the most recent of officiating at the BC Winter Games (which, though it had some stresses, was definitely an interesting experience!)
Mostly what I've been working on, though is working on my academics for various certifications. The first of which is getting my "Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels" (aka "6-pack") certificate, which allows me to act as the paid captain of a ship in the U.S. (a relatively small ship, it should be noted - we're not talking cruise liners here, by quite a number of feet!). I'm scheduled to take the written part in late March. Then the paperwork gets submitted to the USCG and, failing any irregularities, out the other end of the process pops a USCG OUPV/Master 100 ton certificate. Going to be in "study even harder" mode for a couple of weeks to make sure all comes out well!
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